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There is much confusion about what terms means within the area of transgender and transsexual issues, which makes discussions harder than they have to be. Some terms are also very controversial.
Androgyne: a person who live without appearing or behaving particularly male or female.
Butch: Word normally used to identify a lesbian who expresses and/or presents culturally/stereotypically masculine characteristics. The term is related to the more modern term transmasculine (see transmasculine), which is not associated with sexual orientation.
Gender expression: the physical manifestation of one's gender identity, usually expressed through clothing, mannerisms, and chosen names (see gender identity)
Gender identity or core gender identity (controversial terms): a person’s intrinsic sense of self as male, female or an alternate gender. (see gender 1).
Guydyke (controversial term): a biologically male person who feels a strong romantic or erotic attraction towards lesbians, female bisexuals, or the culture of women loving women. Guydykes experience lesbian feelings and are commonly referred to as lesbian-identified men or lesbian men. Many are MTF crossdreamers.
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Below I have given a list of definitions for terms used in relevant discussions. Please note that I do not necessarily support the ideologies underpinning all of these terms. This is a blog for learning and discussion, and I will take the liberty to refine and expand the definitions as I go along. Please add comments on the definitions given and suggest terms that should be included.
Ace: asexual (see asexual).
Agender: A non-binary gender identity described as the absence of gender, feeling as though one has no gender, or no definable gender.
Agenderflux: Mostly agender (see agender) but may lean towards the masculine or feminine at times.
Ace: asexual (see asexual).
Agender: A non-binary gender identity described as the absence of gender, feeling as though one has no gender, or no definable gender.
Agenderflux: Mostly agender (see agender) but may lean towards the masculine or feminine at times.
AGP: See "autogynephilia."
AFAB: Assigned female at birth.
AGAB: Assigned gender at birth.
Alloromanitc: Someone who experiences romantic attraction (as opposed to someone aromantic)
Allosexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction (as opposed to someone asexual)
AMAB: Assigned male at birth.
AFAB: Assigned female at birth.
AGAB: Assigned gender at birth.
Alloromanitc: Someone who experiences romantic attraction (as opposed to someone aromantic)
Allosexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction (as opposed to someone asexual)
AMAB: Assigned male at birth.
Androphile: a person who is attracted to men (see sexual orientation).
Androsexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to men, males, or those who identify on the masculine spectrum, regardless of whether they were assigned male at birth.
Aporagender: a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between (unlike Androgyne) while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling"
Aro: See aromantic.
Aromantic: Someone who do not experience romantic attraction. This does not necessarily mean that they are asexual (see asexual).
Aporagender: a nonbinary gender identity and umbrella term for "a gender separate from male, female, and anything in between (unlike Androgyne) while still having a very strong and specific gendered feeling"
Aro: See aromantic.
Aromantic: Someone who do not experience romantic attraction. This does not necessarily mean that they are asexual (see asexual).
Asexual: lack of sexual attraction, or interest in or desire for having sex with others. Sometimes, it is considered a lack of a sexual orientation. This does not necessarily mean they are aromantic (see aromantic).
Autoandrophilia (offensive term. I prefer the term "female to male erotic crossdreaming"): someone assigned female who get aroused by the image of herself as a man (cp. crossdreamer and autogynephilia).
Autogynephilia (offensive term, also AGP, and misrepresented as "autogyne". The term refers to "male to female erotic crossdreaming", although that is a somewhat broader concept). Term autogynephilia was coined in 1989 by Ray Blanchard to refer to "a man's paraphilic tendency to be sexually aroused by the thought or image of himself as a woman." Erotic crossdreaming exists, but the term "autogynephilia" is so closely connected to the transphobic and misleading theory underpinning it, that it should not be used for this. Erotic crossdreaming is a natural part of many trans people's sexualities and is not a paraphilia (see paraphilia). Blanchard operates with four types of autogynephilia:
- Transvestic autogynephilia (crossdressing): arousal to the act or fantasy of wearing women's clothing
- Behavioral autogynephilia (crossenacting): arousal to the act or fantasy of doing something regarded as feminine
- Physiologic autogynephilia: arousal to fantasies of female-specific body functions
- Anatomic autogynephilia (crossdreaming): arousal to the fantasy of having a woman's body, or parts of one
Bigender: a tendency to move between feminine and masculine gender-typed behavior depending on context, expressing a distinctly en femme persona and a distinctly en homme persona, feminine and masculine respectively.
Biological or anatomic sex: the physical attributes that characterize one as male or female; usually based on genitalia at birth or whether a person have XX or XY chromosomes. The existence of intersex people tells us that this divide is not as clear cut as many believe. Transgender people often prefer terms like "gender assigned at birth", referring not to biology, but to the social and cultural process of assigning gender at birth. These terms are controversial, as they can be interpreted as if trans women do not have a female body or trans men a male one. They do. But if we are to discuss the relationship between bodies/biology on the one hand and identity/psyche on the other, we need terms like these.
Biological or anatomic sex: the physical attributes that characterize one as male or female; usually based on genitalia at birth or whether a person have XX or XY chromosomes. The existence of intersex people tells us that this divide is not as clear cut as many believe. Transgender people often prefer terms like "gender assigned at birth", referring not to biology, but to the social and cultural process of assigning gender at birth. These terms are controversial, as they can be interpreted as if trans women do not have a female body or trans men a male one. They do. But if we are to discuss the relationship between bodies/biology on the one hand and identity/psyche on the other, we need terms like these.
Biphilic (also bi-philic): see bisexual.
Bisexual: a sexual behavior or an orientation involving physical or romantic attraction to both males and females. See also polysexual.
Blanchard, Ray: the researcher that coined the term autogynephilia. See these posts for more information.
Body dysphoria: See gender dysphoria.
Bottom: Someone who prefers to take on the passive and/or receiving role during intercourse. See top.
Bottom surgery: usually metoidioplasty or phalloplasty in FTM, or vaginoplasty in MTF. Surgery that gives a transgender person genitals similar to the ones of their target sex. Bottom surgery does not necessarily involve gonadectomy (castration).
Boy's Love (also BL or yaoi, terms taken from Japanese culture): Female-oriented fictional media, especially Japanese style manga comics, that focus on homoerotic or homo-romantic male sexual relationships, usually created by female authors. Given that both female writers and readers identify with the male characters it is fair to say that much of this material can be considered crossdreamer fiction. The term "yaoi" (short for "Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi", meaning "No climax, no fall, no meaning", is sometimes understood as synonymous with Boy's Love, sometimes as a more sexually explicit sub-category of BL.
Boydyke: A biological female who intentionally or non-intentionally expresses and/or presents culturally/stereotypically masculine, particularly boyish, characteristics. Also, one who enjoys being perceived as a young male (passing).Body dysphoria: See gender dysphoria.
Bottom: Someone who prefers to take on the passive and/or receiving role during intercourse. See top.
Bottom surgery: usually metoidioplasty or phalloplasty in FTM, or vaginoplasty in MTF. Surgery that gives a transgender person genitals similar to the ones of their target sex. Bottom surgery does not necessarily involve gonadectomy (castration).
Boy's Love (also BL or yaoi, terms taken from Japanese culture): Female-oriented fictional media, especially Japanese style manga comics, that focus on homoerotic or homo-romantic male sexual relationships, usually created by female authors. Given that both female writers and readers identify with the male characters it is fair to say that much of this material can be considered crossdreamer fiction. The term "yaoi" (short for "Yama nashi, ochi nashi, imi nashi", meaning "No climax, no fall, no meaning", is sometimes understood as synonymous with Boy's Love, sometimes as a more sexually explicit sub-category of BL.
Butch: Word normally used to identify a lesbian who expresses and/or presents culturally/stereotypically masculine characteristics. The term is related to the more modern term transmasculine (see transmasculine), which is not associated with sexual orientation.
CD: See crossdressing.
Cisgender (also non-transgender and cis-gender): man or woman who has a match between an his or her gender identity and the behavior or role considered appropriate for his or her sex. Cisgender is often defined as the opposite of transgender (see transgender). Since the term transgender has various definitions, the term cisgender may also be ambigious.
Cisgenderism: Thee belief/ideology/framework that assumes gender (and/or sex, sometimes intertwined) to be assigned at birth, and that this is right, natural, universal, healthy, acceptable, and inherent to human existences.
CisHet: cisgender and heterosexual.
Cissexism: The belief/ideology/framework that assumes gender (and/or sex, sometimes intertwined) to be assigned at birth, and that this is right, natural, universal, healthy, acceptable, and inherent to human existences.
Cisgenderism: Thee belief/ideology/framework that assumes gender (and/or sex, sometimes intertwined) to be assigned at birth, and that this is right, natural, universal, healthy, acceptable, and inherent to human existences.
CisHet: cisgender and heterosexual.
Cissexism: The belief/ideology/framework that assumes gender (and/or sex, sometimes intertwined) to be assigned at birth, and that this is right, natural, universal, healthy, acceptable, and inherent to human existences.
Classic or classical transsexual (controversial and old fashioned term, normally referring to trans women, also known as primary transsexual, secondary transsexual, true transsexual, real transsexual, core transsexual, CT. The term is related to HBS, see Harry Benjamin Syndrome, truscum, and transmedicalist): Here normally a term used to describe a political tribe of trans women who argue that they have nothing in common with crossdreamers, crossdressers or nonbinary people (see separatist). There are two main definitions of this term: (1) A woman that that has been born with a "male" body. She can have any sexual orientation. (2) An androphilic MTF transsexual woman. The term is rarely used for trans men, although there is separatist movement that also encompasses transgender men (see separatist).
Closeted (or in the closet): Not disclosing (coming out) or being secretive about an individual's own sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Crossdreamer: A person who is crossdreaming (see crossdreaming)
Dyke (also Femme Dyke, Butch Dyke, Bi Dyke): The term has been appropriated by the lesbian community, but some find it offensive): A female-bodied person or a woman who identifies with other women, and is attracted to women. This is a term that is used by many different types of people and used in a positive way for self-identification. The term may be political. Historically the term was used only in a negative context to ridicule and label lesbians who were perceived to express and/or present culturally/stereotypically masculine characteristics. A more common term today is transmasculine, although transmasculine is not defined by sexual orientation.
Crossdreaming: Term describing the way gender variant people may dream or fantasize about being ones target.
These feminization fantasies (in case of biological men) and masculinization fantasies (in the case of biological women) can encompass dreams about having a body and a life in alignment with their target gender. These dreams can be expressed through crossdressing, role playing, art and other means of expression.
These feminization fantasies (in case of biological men) and masculinization fantasies (in the case of biological women) can encompass dreams about having a body and a life in alignment with their target gender. These dreams can be expressed through crossdressing, role playing, art and other means of expression.
Such fantasies can be sexually arousing. Male to female crossdreamers often imagine themselves having breasts and female genitalia. Some crossdreamers will play the culturally defined role of the opposite sex in these fantasies. Female to male crossdreamers may fantasize about taking the proactive, dominant, thrusting, role when having intercourse.
Many argue that most crossdreamers are attracted to persons of the same sex as the target sex of their fantasies. MTF crossdreamers are attracted to women. FTM crossdreamers are attracted to men. Research indicates, however, that there are also androphilic (man loving) MTF crossdreamers and gynephilic (woman loving) FTM crossdreamers. Many crossdreamers identify with their biological sex, at least partly and in public. Studies of MTF crossdressers indicate that close to 20 percent of them may consider sex reassignment surgery, however, and many do transition.
The term crossdreaming was originally a response to the concept of autogynephilia (see autogyenphilia), which was developed by Ray Blanchard. However, the term autogynephilia (or autoandrophilia for FTM crossdreamers) indicates that the conditions is caused by autoerotisism (auto in the meaning of "self") whereby the person has internalized the external love object, becoming sexually attracted to the idea of him or herself having the body of the opposite sex. The term crossdreaming does not entail such an explanation. The term crossdreaming can also be considered a parallel to Harry Benjamin's types 1, 2, 3 and 4. They may develop into type 5 and 6.
Julia Serano has suggested the terms Male/Masculine Embodiment Fantasies (MEFs) for FTM crossdreaming and Female/Feminine Embodiment Fantasies (FEFs) for MTF crossdreaming.
Many argue that most crossdreamers are attracted to persons of the same sex as the target sex of their fantasies. MTF crossdreamers are attracted to women. FTM crossdreamers are attracted to men. Research indicates, however, that there are also androphilic (man loving) MTF crossdreamers and gynephilic (woman loving) FTM crossdreamers. Many crossdreamers identify with their biological sex, at least partly and in public. Studies of MTF crossdressers indicate that close to 20 percent of them may consider sex reassignment surgery, however, and many do transition.
The term crossdreaming was originally a response to the concept of autogynephilia (see autogyenphilia), which was developed by Ray Blanchard. However, the term autogynephilia (or autoandrophilia for FTM crossdreamers) indicates that the conditions is caused by autoerotisism (auto in the meaning of "self") whereby the person has internalized the external love object, becoming sexually attracted to the idea of him or herself having the body of the opposite sex. The term crossdreaming does not entail such an explanation. The term crossdreaming can also be considered a parallel to Harry Benjamin's types 1, 2, 3 and 4. They may develop into type 5 and 6.
Julia Serano has suggested the terms Male/Masculine Embodiment Fantasies (MEFs) for FTM crossdreaming and Female/Feminine Embodiment Fantasies (FEFs) for MTF crossdreaming.
Crossdressing (or cross-dressing): the wearing of clothing and other accouterments commonly associated with the other gender within a particular society. Sometimes the term "crossdresser" is used to signify a separate and clearly defined group of transgender people. This is misleading. There are no clear boundaries between, for instance, "crossdressers" and "transgender people".
Crossenacting: The act or fantasy of doing something regarded as feminine (in the case of those assigned male at birth) and masculine (in the case of those assigned female).
CT: See classic transsexual.
Cupiosexual: Referring to people who don’t experience sexual attraction but still desire to be in a sexual relationship or engage in sexual behavior.
Demigirl: A non-binary gender identity where one assigned female at birth feels only a very weak connection with "woman" or someone assigned male at birth who feels a vague association with female, but not one strong enough to identity completely as ‘woman’.
Demiguy: A non-binary gender identity where one assigned male at birth feels only a very weak connection with ‘man’ or someone assigned female at birth who feels an association with male, but not one strong enough to identity completely as ‘man’.
Demiromantic: Someone who needs to feel a s a strong bond with someone before engaging in a romantic relationship.
Demisexual: Someone who needs to feel a strong bond with someone before engaging in a sexual relationship.
DFAB: Designated female at birth. see AFAB
DMAB: Designated male at birth, see AMAB
Demigirl: A non-binary gender identity where one assigned female at birth feels only a very weak connection with "woman" or someone assigned male at birth who feels a vague association with female, but not one strong enough to identity completely as ‘woman’.
Demiguy: A non-binary gender identity where one assigned male at birth feels only a very weak connection with ‘man’ or someone assigned female at birth who feels an association with male, but not one strong enough to identity completely as ‘man’.
Demiromantic: Someone who needs to feel a s a strong bond with someone before engaging in a romantic relationship.
Demisexual: Someone who needs to feel a strong bond with someone before engaging in a sexual relationship.
DFAB: Designated female at birth. see AFAB
DMAB: Designated male at birth, see AMAB
DG: see drag queen.
Drag Queen: a person, usually someone assigned male at birth, who dresses, and usually acts, like a woman often for the purpose of entertaining or performing. Drag queens often identify as homosexual (androphilic) males, as opposed to crossdressers, who are most likely gynephilic males (see crossdresser, androphilic and gynephilic). There are also female bodied drag kings. As gender variant people drag queens are included under the transgender umbrella. Some of them are also gender dysphoric, and may end up transitioning.
DSD (contoversial): A synonym for intersex (see intersex). If it is interpreted to mean "disorder of sexual development" it is an invalidating slur. However, some use it as an abbreviation for "difference of sexual development". I will not use this terminology.
Dyke (also Femme Dyke, Butch Dyke, Bi Dyke): The term has been appropriated by the lesbian community, but some find it offensive): A female-bodied person or a woman who identifies with other women, and is attracted to women. This is a term that is used by many different types of people and used in a positive way for self-identification. The term may be political. Historically the term was used only in a negative context to ridicule and label lesbians who were perceived to express and/or present culturally/stereotypically masculine characteristics. A more common term today is transmasculine, although transmasculine is not defined by sexual orientation.
Effeminate (offensive): Used to identify a person (usually male) who expresses and/or presents culturally/stereotypically feminine characteristics.
Egg (also: "in egg mode"). Someone who is transgender but who does not know or accept it yet.
Enby: See nonbinary.
Endosex: Person who is not intersex (see intersexuality)
Egg (also: "in egg mode"). Someone who is transgender but who does not know or accept it yet.
Enby: See nonbinary.
Endosex: Person who is not intersex (see intersexuality)
Femboy (controversial): A young person, assigned male at birth, who will often present themself in a very feminine manner. The terms says nothing about sexual orientation or gender identity, although it seems most think of themselves as cisgender.
Fetish: (on this blog used for sexual fetish) the sexual arousal brought on by any object, situation or body part not conventionally viewed as being sexual in nature. If you follow the official definitions of fetish, as found in the psychiatric manuals, crossdreaming cannot be understood as a fetish. Some crossdreamers seem to think that the term has a wider meaning, including any sexual desire that can -- presumably -- be explained as the end result of a personal psychological development (as opposed to being caused by an inborn, biological, factor). The use of the word can only cause unnecessary confusion and further stigmatization of crossdreamers and transgender people, as it normally reduces trans identities to a sexual kink. Crossdreamers and other trans people may, as nontransgender people, have fetishes, but their identity is not defined or caused by these preferences.
Female/Feminine Embodiment Fantasies (FEFs): Julia Serano's term for MTF crossdreaming (see crossdreaming)
Female/Feminine Embodiment Fantasies (FEFs): Julia Serano's term for MTF crossdreaming (see crossdreaming)
Femme (may be understood as derogatory): Normally used to identify a lesbian who expresses and/or presents culturally/stereotypically feminine characteristics. The word is also used by transgender people to express a feminine gender expression, regardless of gender and sexual orientation.
Finsexual: someone who is exclusively attracted to those who are feminine in nature (hence the term FIN).
Flaspec or flagender: Anyone nonbinary on the "female" side of the viabinary spectrum. See Viabinary.
Fluidflux: A gender identity which refers to an individual with a gender that moves between two or more genders and also fluctuates in intensity. See also bigender.
Fluidflux: A gender identity which refers to an individual with a gender that moves between two or more genders and also fluctuates in intensity. See also bigender.
FTM or F2M: Female to male: Refers to the state of the biological sex before and after transitioning, or to the assigned gender at birth and the target gender in crossdreamer fantasies.
FTT (offensive and transphobic term): Female to transgender. TERF-term for female to male transgender.
FTT (offensive and transphobic term): Female to transgender. TERF-term for female to male transgender.
Gender: (1) In social studies: the socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women. (2) In biology: the state of being male or female. The biology of gender is a scientific analysis of the physical basis for behavioral differences between males and females.
Gender bender (controversial term): informal term used to refer to a person who actively transgresses, or "bends," expected gender roles.
Gender binary: classification of sex and gender into two distinct forms of masculine and feminine.
Gender critical: A term used by transphobic TERFs (see TERF) to describe people who want to reduce everything gender to what they understand to be biological sex (often defined on the basis of the size of one's gonads.
Gender diverse: "Umbrella term to describe an ever-evolving array of labels that people may apply when their gender identity, expression, or even perception does not conform to the norms and stereotypes others expect of their assigned sex." (AAP)
Gender diverse: "Umbrella term to describe an ever-evolving array of labels that people may apply when their gender identity, expression, or even perception does not conform to the norms and stereotypes others expect of their assigned sex." (AAP)
Gender dysphoria: In the DSM-5 gender dysphoria is defined as "a marked incongruence between one's experienced/expressed gender, of at least six months duration." Dysphoria is often defined as an unpleasant or uncomfortable mood, such as sadness (depressed mood), anxiety, irritability, or restlessness. See also gender identity disorder and gender incongruence. I sometimes use the terms "sex dysphoria" or "body dysphoria" instead, as this suffering may primarily be about the body, and not exclusively about cultural gender roles.
Gender expansive: Refers to anyone (trans or cis) whose gender expression differs from what is expected, typically based on their gender identity.
Gender expansive: Refers to anyone (trans or cis) whose gender expression differs from what is expected, typically based on their gender identity.
Gender expression: the physical manifestation of one's gender identity, usually expressed through clothing, mannerisms, and chosen names (see gender identity)
Gender identity or core gender identity (controversial terms): a person’s intrinsic sense of self as male, female or an alternate gender. (see gender 1).
Gender identity disorder (or GID, controversial term that has been replaced with "gender dysphoria"): formal diagnosis previously used by psychologists and physicians to describe persons who experience significant gender dysphoria (discontent with the biological sex they were born with). The term implies that being transgender is a mental illness. The latest editions of the American psychiatric manual, the DSM-5 and the WHO ICD health manual no longer consider gender dysphoria a mental disorder, and uses terms like gender incongruence and gender dysphoria instead.
Gender incongruence: A marked and persistent incongruence between the gender felt or experienced and the gender assigned to birth. The term is related to gender dysphoria, but lacks the latter term's references to mental suffering.
Gender non-conformity: Behaving and appearing in ways that are considered atypical for one’s gender.
Gender role: the characteristics in personality, appearance and behavior that, in a given culture and historical period, are designated as masculine or feminine.
Gender variant: A subjective sense of not belonging completely to the gender of one’s birth-assigned sex. The term gender-variance is used to refer to the behavioral expression of this identity which could range from occasionally dressing as one’s identified gender to living full-time in this gender. (from J Veale). This term is often used in the same way as the umbrella understanding of the term transgender (see transgender and gender diverse).
Genderfae: a type of genderfluid that goes through feminine genders to experiencing no gender at all but never touches masculine genders. See genderfluid.
Genderfawn: a type of genderfluid that goes through masculine genders to experiencing no gender at all but never touches feminine genders. See genderfluid.
Genderfluid: A non-binary gender identity where one’s gender changes over time as opposed to a single, permanent and unchanging gender. The gender can shift after a period of time or due to certain situations.
Genderflux: A gender identity in which the gender intensity varies over time. Genderflux people may also identify as nonbinary, genderqueer and/or transgender.
Gender non-conformity: Behaving and appearing in ways that are considered atypical for one’s gender.
Gender role: the characteristics in personality, appearance and behavior that, in a given culture and historical period, are designated as masculine or feminine.
Gender variant: A subjective sense of not belonging completely to the gender of one’s birth-assigned sex. The term gender-variance is used to refer to the behavioral expression of this identity which could range from occasionally dressing as one’s identified gender to living full-time in this gender. (from J Veale). This term is often used in the same way as the umbrella understanding of the term transgender (see transgender and gender diverse).
Genderfae: a type of genderfluid that goes through feminine genders to experiencing no gender at all but never touches masculine genders. See genderfluid.
Genderfawn: a type of genderfluid that goes through masculine genders to experiencing no gender at all but never touches feminine genders. See genderfluid.
Genderfluid: A non-binary gender identity where one’s gender changes over time as opposed to a single, permanent and unchanging gender. The gender can shift after a period of time or due to certain situations.
Genderflux: A gender identity in which the gender intensity varies over time. Genderflux people may also identify as nonbinary, genderqueer and/or transgender.
Genderfuck (or gender-fuck, controversial term): a form of gender identity or gender expression, using parody and exaggeration to call attention to its transgression of gender roles, seeking to expose them as artificial, often by manipulating one's appearance to create gender dissonance or ambiguity in stark opposition of the gender binary. Used for crossdressing with contempt for any concern about passing; e.g., a male wearing a skirt, but with a beard and unshaved legs.
Genderqueer (or gender-queer): term for gender identities other than man and woman. People who identify as genderqueer may think of themselves as being both man and woman, as being neither man nor woman, or as falling completely outside the gender binary. See queer.
Genetic Girl (also Genuine Girl or GG, offensive term): A woman assigned female at birth (see cisgender).
Girlfag (controversial term): a biologically female individual who feels a strong romantic or erotic attraction towards gay males or male bisexuals or their milieu. A girlfag might partly or wholly feel "like a gay man trapped in a woman's body". Many girlfags are FTM crossdreamers.
Grayromantic: Referring to people who are in the gray area of the spectrum of romantic attachment and don’t identify as romantic or aromantic.
Gynephile (or gynophile): a person who is attracted to females (see sexual orientation).
Gynesexual: Someone who is sexually attracted to women, females, or those who identify on the feminine spectrum, regardless of whether they were assigned female at birth.
Gynemimetophilia: see transfan.
Harry Benjamin Standards of Care (also: HB SOC or SOC) A list of rules dictating what is considered by a consensus of mental health professionals the appropriate way to treat transsexuals.
Gynemimetophilia: see transfan.
Harry Benjamin Syndrome (also HBS, controversial, old fashioned): non-medical term made up by trans women who hate the idea of being associated with crossdressers and transgender sex workers. They argue that the gender identity of HBS women, as opposed to transgender women and crossdreamers who do not live up to their gender stereotypes, is inborn and based in the brain. The "syndrome" has no scientific basis, and the use of Harry Benjamin's name is lamentable.
HBS: see Harry Benjamin Syndrome.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): the taking of sex-related hormone s (e.g., estrogen, testosterone). Most often the term is used for post-menapusal cis women taking estrogen. The term also applies to a transsexual taking hormones to make their bodies become more like the ones of their target sex.
Internalized transphobia: The belief that being a transsexual or transgendered is inferior to being cissexual or non-transgender. The internalization of negative messages, feelings about oneself and one's group, and the beliefs about how people like you should be treated, which often leads to self-hate and difficulty with self-acceptance.
M/M: Romance fiction written by women for women about gay male relationships. The authors are often girlfags (see girlfag and W4M2M) This is a sub-genre of slash fiction.
MOGAI (controversial): Marginalized orientations, gender identities/alignments, and intersex. Umbrella term for asexuals, homosexuals, multisexuals, trans and intersex people.
Passing: The ability to be accepted as a member of the sex you are transitioning into.
Sex reassignment surgery (also known as SRS, genital reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery, sex-change operation, gender confirmation surgery): the surgical procedures by which a person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of the other sex. The term "gender reassignment surgery" is also used, although it is hard to see how you can do surgery on a gender identity.
Shape Shifter (also metamorph): Used by some people who choose not to identify as transsexual, to express their belief they are not changing their gender, but changing their body to reflect their inner feelings and gender identity.
Sissy (or sissy boy, derogatory): (1) A term codified by the mental health community for biologically male children with gender identity disorder (in the sense of displaying feminine behavior). (2 colloquial) A boy or man are accused of feminine characteristics. (3) In the sissy sub-genre of transgender MTF erotica the word is used for male assigned people who enjoy humiliating feminization. The term is deeply rooted in transphobia, homophobia and misogyny.
Skoliosexual: refers to people who experience sexual attraction towards people outside the gender binary, regardless of their sex or their own sex/gender.
Social transitioning: change in social role to one’s affirmed gender and may include a change of name, pronoun, clothing, appearance, mannerisms, and use of gender–affirming devices such as chest binders or packers. See also transitioning.
Transphobia (also genderphobia): The fear of transsexuals or transgendered, often assumed to be homosexuals. Expressed as negative feelings, attitudes, actions or behaviors.
Transsensual: see transfan.
Transvestism: see crossdresser
Hermaphrodite (term no longer used for humans): see intersex.
Hijra: A term that refers to a culture of transgender women in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The hijra community often refer prefer to themselve as Kinnar or Kinner. Not all trans women on the Indian subcontinent see themselves as hijra. In the Indian debate the hijra is sometimes also seen as a "third gender".
Homophile: Old term for homosexual, see homosexuality.
Homophile: Old term for homosexual, see homosexuality.
Homosexuality: romantic or sexual attraction or behavior among members of the same sex. On this blog an MTF transsexual woman is homosexual if she is attracted to women, an FTM transsexual man is homosexual if he is attracted to men. To avoid confusion I use the word androphilic (attracted to men) and gynephilic (attracted to women) instead.
Homosexual transsexual (HSTS, highly offensive term): Ray Blanchard's term for trans women who are exclusively attracted to men. In other words: They are really heterosexual, not homosexual.
Homosexual transsexual (HSTS, highly offensive term): Ray Blanchard's term for trans women who are exclusively attracted to men. In other words: They are really heterosexual, not homosexual.
Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): the taking of sex-related hormone s (e.g., estrogen, testosterone). Most often the term is used for post-menapusal cis women taking estrogen. The term also applies to a transsexual taking hormones to make their bodies become more like the ones of their target sex.
HSTS (offensive term used by Ray Blanchard): homosexual transsexual male. The real meaning of this term is androphilic MTF transexual woman (see homosexuality). Blanchard does not use this term for gynephilic FTM trans men.
Inappropriate curiosity: Intrusive and invasive questions and examinations that seem irrelevant to the medical care of a trans individual.
Inappropriate curiosity: Intrusive and invasive questions and examinations that seem irrelevant to the medical care of a trans individual.
Intergender (controversial term): see genderqueer.
Internalized transphobia: The belief that being a transsexual or transgendered is inferior to being cissexual or non-transgender. The internalization of negative messages, feelings about oneself and one's group, and the beliefs about how people like you should be treated, which often leads to self-hate and difficulty with self-acceptance.
Intersex in humans refers to intermediate or atypical combinations of physical features that usually distinguish male from female. This is usually understood to be congenital, involving chromosomal, morphologic, genital and/or gonadal anomalies, such as diversion from typical XX-female or XY-male presentations, e.g., sex reversal (XY-female, XX-male), genital ambiguity, sex developmental differences. An intersex individual may have biological characteristics of both the male and female sexes. If transgender identities have biological (brain) foundations it could be argued that these conditions also are intersex. In this blog, however, I will not use the term in that way, in order to avoid unnecessary confusion.
Kathoey, term used for a culture of transgender women in Thailand.
Lesbian boyfriend: A term used by some lesbians to refer to some butch, masculine or transmasculine partners.
LGBT (also GLBT, LGBTQ, LGBTQI, LGBTQA and LGBT+) refers to lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (and queer and asexual) people. LGBT emphasize a diversity of sexuality and gender identity-based cultures and is sometimes used to refer to anyone who is non-heterosexual instead of exclusively to people who are homosexual, bisexual, or transgender. Some may also include and I for intersex persons (see intersex). Some "classic transsexuals"as well as some intersex people resist being included under the LGBT umbrella, as they feel they have little in common with the other members of the community.
Male/Masculine Embodiment Fantasies (MEFs): Julia Serano's term for FTM crossdreaming (see crossdreaming)
Male/Masculine Embodiment Fantasies (MEFs): Julia Serano's term for FTM crossdreaming (see crossdreaming)
Male lesbian: (term coined by Dr. Brian G. Gilmartin in his book Shyness & Love: Causes, Consequences, and Treatment ): A heterosexual man who wishes that he had been born a woman, but who (even if he had been a woman) could only make love to another woman and never to a man. The "male lesbian" does not feel himself to be "a woman trapped inside the body of a man" and does not want a sex change operation. They envy the prerogatives of the female gender and believe these prerogatives fit their own inborn temperaments far more harmoniously than the pattern of behavioral expectations to which males are required to adhere.
Mangina: (derogatory) 1. Derisive term for a man's feminine side - especially when he's picky, touchy or emotional about something seemingly minor. 2. A man totally controlled by a woman 3. A weak willed man 4. The partner that takes it in the anus in a male homosexual relationship 5. A male prostitute, gay or straight. 6. A male looking persons who desires to change his genitals into female for no other reason than sex.
Metamorphic: (term coined by James W. Hicks) Sexual types which have in common some degree of identification with the opposite sex. The term is overlapping with the term crossdreamer.
Metamorphic: (term coined by James W. Hicks) Sexual types which have in common some degree of identification with the opposite sex. The term is overlapping with the term crossdreamer.
Metrosexual: a heterosexual man (especially one living in a post-industrial, capitalist culture) that has a strong concern for his appearance or a lifestyle and who displays feminine attributes stereotypically associated with homosexual men.
Miaspec or Miagender: The Miagender Spectrum or Miaspec are umbrella terms for anyone on the "male" side of the viabinary spectrum, i.e. to people with identities which are close to or similar to one binary gender, even though they are non-binary.
M/M: Romance fiction written by women for women about gay male relationships. The authors are often girlfags (see girlfag and W4M2M) This is a sub-genre of slash fiction.
MOGAI (controversial): Marginalized orientations, gender identities/alignments, and intersex. Umbrella term for asexuals, homosexuals, multisexuals, trans and intersex people.
MSM: A man who has sex with men regardless of whether they are heterosexual, bisexual or gay.
MTF or M2F: Male to female. Refers to the state of the biological or legal sex before and after transitioning, or to the assigned gender at birth and the target gender in crossdreamer fantasies.
MTT (offensive and transphobic term): TERF-term referring to male to female transgender persons (see MTF and TERF).
Multiromanitc: (1) someone who experiences romantic attraction to more than one gender. (2) An umbrella term for anyone who experiences romantic attraction to more than one gender.
Multisexual: (1) someone who experiences sexual attraction to more than one gender. (2) An umbrella term for anyone who experiences sexual attraction to more than one gender.
MTF or M2F: Male to female. Refers to the state of the biological or legal sex before and after transitioning, or to the assigned gender at birth and the target gender in crossdreamer fantasies.
MTT (offensive and transphobic term): TERF-term referring to male to female transgender persons (see MTF and TERF).
Multiromanitc: (1) someone who experiences romantic attraction to more than one gender. (2) An umbrella term for anyone who experiences romantic attraction to more than one gender.
Multisexual: (1) someone who experiences sexual attraction to more than one gender. (2) An umbrella term for anyone who experiences sexual attraction to more than one gender.
Neoboy: (1) A different approach to being a man or male. (2) A nonbinary identity that is mostly separate from being male, though it can be described as a gender that is masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, mingender, and/or miaspec.
Neutrois: A nonbinary gender identity. One may feel that neutrois is a separate gender from man or woman in a similar way to how a person experiences a third gender, or they may feel that it is the lack of gender, or that it is a ‘neutral’ gender.
Nonbinary: Gender identities that do not fit within the traditional binary of male and female. People can feel they are both, neither, or some mixture thereof.
Neutrois: A nonbinary gender identity. One may feel that neutrois is a separate gender from man or woman in a similar way to how a person experiences a third gender, or they may feel that it is the lack of gender, or that it is a ‘neutral’ gender.
Nonbinary: Gender identities that do not fit within the traditional binary of male and female. People can feel they are both, neither, or some mixture thereof.
Non-op: transsexual who has not and will not have sex reassignment surgery. (See transsexual, sex reassignment surgery).
Omniromanitc: someone who experiences romantic attraction to all genders.
Omnisexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction to all genders.
Pangender: a non-binary gender identity where one experiences all genders in one body, including binary and non-binary genders. ‘One who experiences all gender identities’.
Pansexual: sexual orientation characterized by the potential for aesthetic attraction, romantic love, or sexual desire towards people, regardless of their gender identity or biological sex. Omniromanitc: someone who experiences romantic attraction to all genders.
Omnisexual: Someone who experiences sexual attraction to all genders.
Pangender: a non-binary gender identity where one experiences all genders in one body, including binary and non-binary genders. ‘One who experiences all gender identities’.
Paraphilia: a biomedical term used to describe sexual arousal to objects, situations, or individuals that are not part of normative stimulation and that may cause distress or serious problems for the paraphiliac or persons associated with him or her. What is defined as "normative stimulation" may vary a lot with time and cultural background, something that makes this a close to useless term. Paraphilia is basically a science sounding word for "pervert" (see Perversion).
Part timer: transgender person who presents as their target gender from time to time (from Lisa M). Cp. crossdreamer and crossdresser.
Part timer: transgender person who presents as their target gender from time to time (from Lisa M). Cp. crossdreamer and crossdresser.
Passing: The ability to be accepted as a member of the sex you are transitioning into.
Perversion: (derogatory) types of human behavior that are perceived to be a serious deviation from what is considered to be orthodox or normal. Although it can refer to varying forms of deviation, it is most often used to describe sexual behaviors that are seen by the majority as abnormal or repulsive. Since this is a cultural relative term, it useless when discussing the true nature of transgender and queer identities. See paraphilia.
Polygender: A non-binary gender identity where one experiences many (more than three) gender identities in one body, which may include both binary and non-binary genders. ‘One who experiences many gender identities’.
Polysexual: Sexually attracted to more than one gender. The difference between the terms polysexual and bisexual, is that polysexual more clearly includes possible attraction to nonbinary and transgender people.
Polygender: A non-binary gender identity where one experiences many (more than three) gender identities in one body, which may include both binary and non-binary genders. ‘One who experiences many gender identities’.
Polysexual: Sexually attracted to more than one gender. The difference between the terms polysexual and bisexual, is that polysexual more clearly includes possible attraction to nonbinary and transgender people.
Post-op: transsexual who has had sex reassignment surgery (see transsexual and sex reassignment surgery)
Pre-op: transsexual who has not had sex reassignment surgery (see transsexual and sex reassignment surgery)
Post-structuralist (related to post-modernist): Poststructuralism denies the possibility of a truly scientific study of "man" or of "human nature", as all belief systems are believed to be socially constructed through language and semiotics. This means that all meanings and intellectual categories are shifting and unstable. The term is relevant for trans people as we have seen that some argue that transgender identities and crossdreaming are social constructs based on the psychological development of the individual trans person. Some also argue that gender is nothing but a performance, which can lead some to believe that trans and queer identities are a matter of choice. Poststructuralist methods can be very useful for analyzing the social context of crossdreaming and transgender lives, but since the philosophy has no tools for asserting the effect of biology on mental possesses, it cannot be used to study the interaction between body and mind.
Post-structuralist (related to post-modernist): Poststructuralism denies the possibility of a truly scientific study of "man" or of "human nature", as all belief systems are believed to be socially constructed through language and semiotics. This means that all meanings and intellectual categories are shifting and unstable. The term is relevant for trans people as we have seen that some argue that transgender identities and crossdreaming are social constructs based on the psychological development of the individual trans person. Some also argue that gender is nothing but a performance, which can lead some to believe that trans and queer identities are a matter of choice. Poststructuralist methods can be very useful for analyzing the social context of crossdreaming and transgender lives, but since the philosophy has no tools for asserting the effect of biology on mental possesses, it cannot be used to study the interaction between body and mind.
Queer: (1, derogatory) Effeminate gay man. (2, controversial) Umbrella term for people who are gay, lesbian, bisexual, pansexual, transgender, transsexual, intersexual, genderqueer, or of any other non-heterosexual sexuality, sexual anatomy, or gender identity. See genderqueer.
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD, offensive): Pseudo-scientific term used by anti-transgender activists to invalidate the gender identities of young trans men and women who have not clearly displayed gender variance in childhood. The term is related to "late onset gender dysphoria" (which has normally been used to describe trans women who come out later in life). Some transgender people repress their gender variance when they are children due to transphobic social pressure. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health says that “The term ‘rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD)’ is not a medical entity recognised by any major professional association.”
Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD, offensive): Pseudo-scientific term used by anti-transgender activists to invalidate the gender identities of young trans men and women who have not clearly displayed gender variance in childhood. The term is related to "late onset gender dysphoria" (which has normally been used to describe trans women who come out later in life). Some transgender people repress their gender variance when they are children due to transphobic social pressure. The World Professional Association for Transgender Health says that “The term ‘rapid-onset gender dysphoria (ROGD)’ is not a medical entity recognised by any major professional association.”
Separatist: persons who argue they are not part of broader transgender culture. There are separate schools of MTF separatism: (1) "Classic transsexuals", who believe that there is a clear and distinct biological difference between being a woman who is born in a man's body and men who get aroused by imagining themselves as women (like crossdressers, crossdreamers, "transgenderists" and feminine gay men). (2) Harry Benjamin Syndrome supporters follow a philosophy similar to "classic transsexuals," but are more prone to gender stereotyping. (3) Transkids are trans women who follow the theories of Ray Blanchard, considering themselves to be "homosexual transsexuals" and therefore more feminine than crossdreamers. (4) Some crossdressers and "transgenderists", argue – based on the philosophy of crossdresser Virginia Price – that they have nothing in common with trans women and gay men. 1, 2 and 3 believe the transgender movement is run by crossdressers and crossdreamers, while group 4 believes it is run by trans women. These MTF separatist groups fight each other and the transgender movement. It could have been funny in a Monty Python Life of Brian kind of way, hadn't it been for all the suffering this bickering is causing. (5) Lately there has appeared a second generation of separatists who call themselves truscum or transmedicalists (see truscum).
Sex: (1) In social sciences sex refers to the biological differences between men and women, as opposed to gender which refers to the cultural expressions of the roles given to biological males and females. (2) In biology, sex is a process of combining and mixing genetic traits, often resulting in the specialization of organisms into a male or female variety (known as the two sexes).
Sex dysphoria: see Gender dysphoria.
Sex identity (also sexual identity, although the term sexual identity more often refers to sexual orientation): The inner feeling or conviction of being male or female. See also Gender identity disorder.
Sex dysphoria: see Gender dysphoria.
Sex identity (also sexual identity, although the term sexual identity more often refers to sexual orientation): The inner feeling or conviction of being male or female. See also Gender identity disorder.
Sexual orientation: a pattern of emotional, romantic and/or sexual attractions to men, women, or both genders. Subcategories are : heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, pansexual and more. Some argue that heterosexual and homosexual are exclusive categories, others that these orientations exist along a continuum that ranges from exclusive heterosexual to exclusive homosexual, including various forms of bisexuality in-between. Some people identify as asexual. To avoid confusion we use the words gynephile and androphile (see gynephile and androphile).
Sex reassignment surgery (also known as SRS, genital reconstruction surgery, sex affirmation surgery, sex-change operation, gender confirmation surgery): the surgical procedures by which a person's physical appearance and function of their existing sexual characteristics are altered to resemble that of the other sex. The term "gender reassignment surgery" is also used, although it is hard to see how you can do surgery on a gender identity.
She-male (also shemale or t-girl; derogatory terms used in pornography): A person assigned male at birth who has physical characteristics of both male and female. This term should never be used for a real life transsexual (to whom it may refer). See transgenderist and transfan.
Sissy (or sissy boy, derogatory): (1) A term codified by the mental health community for biologically male children with gender identity disorder (in the sense of displaying feminine behavior). (2 colloquial) A boy or man are accused of feminine characteristics. (3) In the sissy sub-genre of transgender MTF erotica the word is used for male assigned people who enjoy humiliating feminization. The term is deeply rooted in transphobia, homophobia and misogyny.
Skoliosexual: refers to people who experience sexual attraction towards people outside the gender binary, regardless of their sex or their own sex/gender.
Social transitioning: change in social role to one’s affirmed gender and may include a change of name, pronoun, clothing, appearance, mannerisms, and use of gender–affirming devices such as chest binders or packers. See also transitioning.
SRS, see sex reassignment surgery.
Strapless: Word used to describe the genitalia of trans women who have a penis.
Target gender (also true gender or real gender): The gender a transgender person identify with, as opposed to assigned gender at birth.
Strapless: Word used to describe the genitalia of trans women who have a penis.
Target gender (also true gender or real gender): The gender a transgender person identify with, as opposed to assigned gender at birth.
TERF: (1) Trans-exclusionary radical feminist. (2) A term used for a lose movement of predominantly female transphobic activists who argue that everything gender has to be defined on the basis of biological sex, often defined on the basis of gonads. Their goal is to erase transgender women and infantilize transgender men. See also: Gender critical.
Trannie chaser or tranny chaser: (derogatory) see transfan.
Transbian (slang, most likely used derogatory): a male-to-female transsexual who is also a lesbian - ie. a transsexual woman who is sexually attracted to other women.
Trangender Pride Flag: Flag designed by Monica Helms. First shown in 2000. The flag represents the transgender community and consists of five horizontal stripes, two light blue, two pink, with a white stripe in the center. Blue and pink refers to binary identities, white to non-binary identities.
Third gender or third sex (controversial terms): (1) individuals who are categorized (by their will or by social consensus) as neither male nor female, as well as the social category present in those societies who recognize three or more genders. It should be noted that such phenomena could just as well refer to roles understood as a mix of the male and female. (2) In some areas of the world (e.g in Germany and on the Indian sub-continent) a (proposed) third legal gender status that can be used by both transgender and non-binary people. (3) In zoology: Evolutionary biologist Joan Roughgarden argues that, in addition to male and female sexes (as defined by the production of small or large gametes), more than two genders or distinct morphs exist in hundreds of animal species.
TG: See transgender. TG is also used to refer to fiction and erotic imagery that presents gender transformations, as in "TG captions".
TG captions: Images made by transgender people combining photos/illustrations and text in order to present short stories about gender transformation.
TGD: Abbreviation used by the American Academy of Pediatrics to describe transgender and gender diverse people combined.
TIF (offensive TERF slur): "trans-identified female", referring to transgender men.
TIM (offensive TERF slur): "trans-identified male", referring to transgender women.
Top: Someone who prefers to take on the proactive and often penetrative role during intercourse. See bottom.
Top surgery: mastectomy or chest contouring in FTM or breast implants in MTF.
TG captions: Images made by transgender people combining photos/illustrations and text in order to present short stories about gender transformation.
TGD: Abbreviation used by the American Academy of Pediatrics to describe transgender and gender diverse people combined.
TIF (offensive TERF slur): "trans-identified female", referring to transgender men.
TIM (offensive TERF slur): "trans-identified male", referring to transgender women.
Top: Someone who prefers to take on the proactive and often penetrative role during intercourse. See bottom.
Top surgery: mastectomy or chest contouring in FTM or breast implants in MTF.
Toric: Being attracted to, interested in, or in a relationship with men/boys, exclusively or not.
Transbian (slang, most likely used derogatory): a male-to-female transsexual who is also a lesbian - ie. a transsexual woman who is sexually attracted to other women.
Transfan (also transsensual, admirerer or derogatory: tranny chaser) man with a sexual preference for preoperative male-to-female transsexuals , transgenderists or even crossdressers (see transsexual and transgenderist). Many argue that transfans are closeted homosexuals. Many of them are probably gynephilic MTF crossdreamers. You will also find female transfans – especially in the lesbian community where some are attracted to transsexual men.
Transfeminine (also transfemme or transfem): 1. A non-binary gender identity where one assigned male at birth feels a strong connection with the female gender and enjoys typically feminine things, but does not feel a strong enough connection to identify completely as ‘woman’. Similar to – but not the same as – demiguy. 2. A broader term for all trans individuals with predominantly feminine identities or gender expression.
Transfeminine (also transfemme or transfem): 1. A non-binary gender identity where one assigned male at birth feels a strong connection with the female gender and enjoys typically feminine things, but does not feel a strong enough connection to identify completely as ‘woman’. Similar to – but not the same as – demiguy. 2. A broader term for all trans individuals with predominantly feminine identities or gender expression.
Transgender (controversial term, also TG and trans): (1, common use) Umbrella term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to diverge from the normative gender roles or gender experience connected to their assigned gender, including transsexuals. (2, a misrepresentation of Virginia Prince's term "transgenderist", see transgenderist) People who want to live cross-gender without sex reassignment surgery, excluding transsexuals. (3, derogatory) Crossdreamers and crossdressers, as opposed to "classic transsexuals" or HBS trans women. (4, controversial) Transsexual. I use the word as (1). Lately the term has increasingly been used for a subset of gender diverse people whose gender identity does not match their assigned gender and which remains persistent, consistent, and insistent over time.
Transgender cult: Term made by transphobes in order to dismiss the transgender fight for social acceptance and inclusion. By describing the transgender community as one unified organization promoting one unified ideology, they try to dismiss transgender activism as some kind of left wing propaganda plot aimed at undermining the traditional gender binary and the social order. The fact is that there is nearly as much diversity as regards ideology, political points of view and religious beliefs among transgender people as there is among cigender people, although – to be fair – the current backlash against trans people is predominantly orchestrated by the extreme right, which means that statistically speaking trans people are less likely to be rightwing extremists. The idea that the transgender movement is controlled by post-modernist liberals who think og sex and gender as nothing but a social construct is also false. The fact is that most of the leading transgender activists think of gender identity formation as a end product of a complex interplay between biological, social and psychological factors, as do most serious scientists in the field.
Transgender ideology, see transgender cult.
Transgender cult: Term made by transphobes in order to dismiss the transgender fight for social acceptance and inclusion. By describing the transgender community as one unified organization promoting one unified ideology, they try to dismiss transgender activism as some kind of left wing propaganda plot aimed at undermining the traditional gender binary and the social order. The fact is that there is nearly as much diversity as regards ideology, political points of view and religious beliefs among transgender people as there is among cigender people, although – to be fair – the current backlash against trans people is predominantly orchestrated by the extreme right, which means that statistically speaking trans people are less likely to be rightwing extremists. The idea that the transgender movement is controlled by post-modernist liberals who think og sex and gender as nothing but a social construct is also false. The fact is that most of the leading transgender activists think of gender identity formation as a end product of a complex interplay between biological, social and psychological factors, as do most serious scientists in the field.
Transgender ideology, see transgender cult.

Transgenderist (controversial and archaic term coined by crossdresser activist Virginia Prince): transgender people who derive pleasure from and value their genitals as originally developed. Like transsexuals, many are interested in obtaining electrolysis, hormones and even cosmetic surgery to bring their outward presentation in line with their inner sense of self. However, transgenderists are not interested in sex reassignment surgery. Transsexual men and women who for health and other reasons do not obtain SRS are not included in this definition. The term must not be confused with "transgender", which is an umbrella term for all gender variant people (see transgender).
Transitioning: Wikipedia defines this as the process of changing genders - the idea of what it means to be female or male. The term has also been used for the process of changing ones biological sex, based on the understanding that a MTF transsexual woman is a woman/has the female gender both before and after the transition . Lately the term is increasingly understood as the process of changing ones public and legal presentation as a man, a woman or non-binary. This process may include one or more of the following: change of legal gender status, change of appearance, hormone therapy, and/or genital surgery. The goal is normally to be perceived and accepted by other people in a manner consistent with one's own gender identity.
Transkid: (1 controversial) Non-technical term for MTF androphilic transsexual, used mostly for political reasons to have a non-clinical way to refer to androphilic transsexuals as a population rather than a condition. See homosexual transsexual. (2) Gender variant children.
Transmasculine (also transmasc): 1. A non-binary gender identity where one assigned female at birth feels a strong connection with the male gender and enjoys typically masculine things, but does not feel a strong enough connection to identify completely as ‘man’. Similar to – but not the same as – demigirl. 2. A broader term for all trans individuals with predominantly masculine identities or gender expression.
Transmasculine (also transmasc): 1. A non-binary gender identity where one assigned female at birth feels a strong connection with the male gender and enjoys typically masculine things, but does not feel a strong enough connection to identify completely as ‘man’. Similar to – but not the same as – demigirl. 2. A broader term for all trans individuals with predominantly masculine identities or gender expression.
Trans man: see transsexual man. Avoid the spelling transman, as this may be read to mean that trans men are not real men.
Transmedicalist: see truscum.
Transmedicalist: see truscum.
Trans people: Umbrella term encompassing all types of gender variant people
Transphilic: (also trans-philic): see transfan.
Transphobia (also genderphobia): The fear of transsexuals or transgendered, often assumed to be homosexuals. Expressed as negative feelings, attitudes, actions or behaviors.
Transsensual: see transfan.
Transsexual: Transsexual (also spelled transexual): (1) a condition in which an individual identifies with a physical sex that is different from his or her biological one. (2) A person who has undergone sex reassignment treatment and surgery (SRS) and/or who have legally changed his or her official gender identification. The term is seldom used today, and has been replaced by transgender. This causes a lot of confusion, as the term transgender is a much wider and less precise term than transsexual.
Transsexual man: A person who was assigned female at birth, but who identifies as/is a man. Also known as a FTM transsexual or transgender man. See transsexual and FTM.
Transsexual woman: A person who was assigned male at birth, but who identifies as/is a woman. Also known as a MTF transsexual or transgender woman. See transsexual and MTF.
Transvestic fetishism (controversial term): having an erotic interest in crossdressing. See crossdressing and autogynephilia. The term is a transphobic term used to reduce the identities of trans people to a sexual fetish. Erotic crossdreaming is an expression of gender variance, not the cause of it.
Trans woman, see transsexual woman. Avoid the spelling transwoman, as this may be interpreted to mean that trans women are not real women.
Travesti (Portuguese/Spanish term, often understood as derogatory): (1) MTF crossdresser. (2) MTF androphilic transgender people who keep their penis and who might be both "tops" and "bottoms". The term is often associated with sex work.
Travesti (Portuguese/Spanish term, often understood as derogatory): (1) MTF crossdresser. (2) MTF androphilic transgender people who keep their penis and who might be both "tops" and "bottoms". The term is often associated with sex work.
Trixic (also known as Orbisian): When a non-binary person is attracted to women, exclusively or not.
Truscum (also: transmedicalist): A more recent equivalent to the "classic transsexual", i.e. trans men and women who try to separate true transsexuals from whom they considered not trans. Unlike the male to female classic transsexuals they seem to want to appropriate the terms trans and transgender for themselves, using them as a synonym for transsexual. They argue that transsexuality is a medical condition and that transsexuality is defined by the symptom of physical sex dysphoria. The term originated on tumblr, and was and is dominated by female to male transgender activists.
Truscum (also: transmedicalist): A more recent equivalent to the "classic transsexual", i.e. trans men and women who try to separate true transsexuals from whom they considered not trans. Unlike the male to female classic transsexuals they seem to want to appropriate the terms trans and transgender for themselves, using them as a synonym for transsexual. They argue that transsexuality is a medical condition and that transsexuality is defined by the symptom of physical sex dysphoria. The term originated on tumblr, and was and is dominated by female to male transgender activists.
TS: see transsexual.
TV: transvestite. See crossdressing.
Viabinary: People with identities which are close to or similar to one binary gender, even though they are nonbinary. See Miaspec and Flaspec.
W4M4M: Women for men for men. (1) Women who read M/M slash fiction (see M/M and boy's love). (2) girlfags (see girlfag)
W4M4M: Women for men for men. (1) Women who read M/M slash fiction (see M/M and boy's love). (2) girlfags (see girlfag)
Woodworking (or stealth woodworking): for a transsexual to live in a manner that conceals her or his past sex.
Alternative transgender and transsexual dictionaries:
Thanks Jack. This will save a bunch of time doing google searches.
ReplyDeleteI think autoandrophilia exists among many natal masculine women in a similar way as autogynephilia exists among many men.I did come to know of several such cases in the asexuality gender forum-AVEN.
However,the cases are not widely reported as firstly, women get more chance to impersonate the male form, since, they are allowed more flexibility in terms of dressing in opposite sex. Also, researchers are always more interested in exploring the gender and sexual problems of males rather than women as for males, it invites more social censure and ridicule.
Could you tell me more elaborately, the meaning of term "genderfuck"? I didn't get the idea clearly.
ReplyDeleteTo Mr. A.,
ReplyDeleteYes, they do exist, and I think James have explained this nicely. I'll put up a post on autoandrophilia next month.
To James,
The Urban Dictionary has more. This is more about a cultural expression than the description of any psychological or medical condition. See
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